BK X Dalí

The Power of The Almighty Dollar


The Power of The Almighty Dollar

28 x 42" Acrylic on canvas, 2013
Would you spend your whole knot for intelligence instead of relevance?

What if Salvador Dali was born in 1983 instead of 1904? 

Imagine his childhood filled with images of urban America instead of the beautiful countrysides of Spain. What would his work look like if he painted out of a studio in Brooklyn, a product of this generation, influenced by our fashion, music, and style? 

Envision a Salvador painting about the issues facing modern society, inspired by things like the internet, social media, corporate America, politics, religion, and more. Witness Dali’s masterpieces reworked through an updated lens as art history collides with modern culture. I intend to pick up where he left off, with more than fifty years of perspective to guide me along they way. It is a humble tribute to my greatest inspiration. 

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